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Critter compendium 5e pdf download

All other original material in this work is copyright by Tobias Beis and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. Each monster has one or more stat blocks to represent one or several variations of the creature. The Monster Manual explains how to use monster and NPC stat blocks and how each element of a stat block functions in the game. Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft.

Magic Resistance. The achaierai has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, critter compendium 5e pdf download.

Actions Multiattack. The achaierai makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws. Black Cloud. The achaierai releases a choking black cloud. Creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 2d6 poison damage on a failure or half as much damage on a success. At the start of each of its turns it rolls a d4 to determine what it does: On a 1 or 2, the creature does nothing.

On a 3, the creature takes no action or bonus action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly deter- mined direction. At the end of Achaierai hail from the lower plane of Acheron, but can often each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Their critter compendium 5e pdf download resemble those of birds, critter compendium 5e pdf download, although achaierai have strangely short torsos, small, stubby wings, incapable of flight and possess an additional pair torture.

Achaierai often avoid killing their prey outright, instead of long legs that make them excellent runners. Achaierai are inflicting as much pain as possible on their victim before con- fast, predatory creatures, who prefer open plains as their hunt- sumption. Cloud of Insanity. An achaierai can release a critter compendium 5e pdf download cloud of Pack Hunters.

A large enough pack of achaierai is not afraid to even attack The achaierai delights in the mayhem its toxin can cause, but small villages and torment and consume their inhabitants, critter compendium 5e pdf download. Despite their animalistic appear- hostile creatures and clearing a way to priority targets.

An allip constantly mutters and whines to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. A creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the allip and can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a suc- cess. Ethereal Sight. The allip can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane and vice versa.

Allip Incorporeal Movement. The allip can move through other Allips are what is left of the spirit of someone who was driven creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes to suicide by madness. A creature that targets an allip with a state in life.

Allips crave revenge and relentlessly seek psychic damage and must succeed on a Wisdom saving out those who tormented them in life and ruined their sanity.

A creature that is reduced to 0 hit points An allip will stop at nothing to exact vengeance on its tormentors. Hit: 10 3d6 psychic damage and the tar- Insane Whispers.

An allip constantly mutters and whines, get must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or gain disad- incoherently and obsessively repeating to itself the horrors vantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws for 24 hours. A creature that is reduced to 0 hit points while under this and injustices it had to endure.

Those who listen often become effect automatically stabilizes but permanently falls into a so enraptured by the unintelligible noise emanating from the coma and is unconscious until healed by a restoration spell spirit, that they forget themselves and the danger the creature or similar magic, critter compendium 5e pdf download. Undead Nature. This frees them of any concept of doubt, or remorse, since anything they The warriors of the grand legions of Arcadia are images of per- do is laid out in just laws they will not question.

When an Arca- fect symmetry, resembling humanoid females with skin, hair, dian avenger sees any need for action she will spring to it with- and wings shining like polished metal. The armor plates cov- out hesitation, enforcing the rules she lives by and seeing any ering their bodies may appear like a suit of plate armor, but are sacrifice as a necessity, never a tragedy.

While two avengers A group of Arcadian avengers works together and coordi- may not look perfectly identical, their features are always very nates in flawless synchronicity. They advance as a unit in perfect similar in appearance.

Arcadian avengers are shining paragons of jus- ately and without fail. An Arcadian avenger is quick to bring plane of Arcadia. Though they are benevolent creatures who those to justice who would violate the law, disturb the peace and exist to uphold rules and laws above anything else and will not harmony of Arcadia, or obstruct her in her duty.

Seeing a fellow critter compendium 5e pdf download to come into conflict with anyone, even a good creature, legionnaire of Arcadia fall will only inspire the avenger to even who violates the law. The Ideal of Order.

Despite their humanoid appearance, the thought processes of Arcadian avengers are just as alien to mor- tal creatures as those of demons or devils. An avenger under- Arcadian Avenger Medium celestial, lawful good. When the arcadian avenger fails a saving throw or misses on an attack roll, it can choose to reroll critter compendium 5e pdf download save or attack.

Magic Weapons. Perfect Symmetry. When the avenger cooperates with other Arcadian avengers, she is immune to the frightened and charmed conditions, critter compendium 5e pdf download.

All allied Arcadian avengers roll a single Initiative check with advantage, acting on the same initiative. The Arcadian avengers can move or take their actions in any order, even before another avenger has completed her turn.

For example, two avengers can move, before either of them makes an attack. The Arcadian avenger makes two attacks with her longswords. Unliving Spells. Sorcerers are born with magic coursing through their veins, and warlocks attain their powers through pacts with eldritch entities. Wizards have to dedicate themselves to years of study in order to gain this kind of power.

Some are too impatient to spend that much time working their way to arcane mastery and seek alternative ways, subjecting themselves to experiments using powerful spells. Usually, these attempts end with the enormous amounts of arcane energy they require simply escaping the spellcaster. In rare cases, they backfire in a surge of wild magic, leaving little more of the spellcaster than a messy reminder of the virtue of patience and study.

In some rare instances, the experiment ends in a hor- rific event: The caster is killed by the arcane surge, while his body absorbs critter compendium 5e pdf download energy, which animates the last spark of life left within the corpse.

This causes the body to rise again as an arcanian, the undead incarnation of the spell that destroyed the caster. If the arcanian hits a creature with a spell attack, it may creature willing to share its goals, it choose to double the dice rolled for cold damage. Arcanians are impassioned by the cold damage. However, the nature of their Freezing Blast. Each arcanian has its own strange goals and must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its cravings, depending on the nature of the element infusing it, critter compendium 5e pdf download.

The arcanian magically evokes or sleep. Creatures other than the arcanian treat the area within less mouths. Blue arcanians are loathe to see life vantage on Strength Athletics and Dexterity Acrobatics checks made in the area. They are hairless and con- stantly drooling caustic liquids, their clothes ruined by corro- sion.

They despise physical beauty and destroy it wherever they tread, using the aggressive acid created by their magic, that clings to their victims and eats away at them over time. Red Arcanian Red arcanians are ablaze with inner fire, glowing from within and wreathing around critter compendium 5e pdf download blackened bodies, wrapped in scorched robes.

They release this fire in explosive bursts cover- ing great areas. Their obsession is fiery passion that causes them to seek thrills and exert their burning wrath on the living. Other Arcanians Arcanians can be created from the energy of a great variety of spells, among them black arcanians, created from necrotic magic, yellow arcanians, created from lightning spells, purple arcanians, critter compendium 5e pdf download, created by force energy and even white arcanians, from thunder energy.

Senses darkvision 60 ft. If critter compendium 5e pdf download arcanian hits a creature with a spell attack, it may Voracious Acid. At the end of each of its turns, the target may repeat one target. The arcanian magically one target. The within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a DC 15 Dex- target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking terity saving throw or take 10 3d6 fire damage.

The arcanian magically damage on a successful one. The creature must repeat the causes a surge of fire to explode around it. When the arrowhawk attacks, it does not their body. An arrow- out of its reach. In fact they Actions appear to defy this distinction altogether.

Arrowhawks are native to the Elemen- get. Lightning Blast. Agile Flyers. An arrowhawk can not be turned upside down, which allows it to perform a wide variety of aerial maneuvers without getting disoriented, coming out of every loop and turn right side up.

With its serpentine body and additional wings it is capable of turning tight corners at high speeds. Elder Arrowhawk Large elemental, neutral.

When the arrowhawk attacks, it does not Challenge 1 XP provoke an opportunity attack from the target when moving out of its reach. Actions Actions Bite. They Medium fiend, lawful evil roam the planes in search for worthy prey to hunt down, critter compendium 5e pdf download, slay, Armor Class 18 natural armor and take a trophy of to bring home. Astral stalkers are brutal and ruthless Speed 50 ft, critter compendium 5e pdf download.

These qualities bely their social nature.

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Critter compendium 5e pdf download

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