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[PDF] Questions That Islam Can T Answer Volume One Download ~ "Read Online Free"

Jan 28,  · Questions And Answers On Islamic Jurisprudence Item Preview 1 Questions and Answers on Islamic 2 History of 3 Ramadan 4 Salah Ad-Din 5 Six Tracts of Hasan Questions and Answers on Islamic download. M. Islamic history quiz and download Islamiat Short Answer Question In Urdu Primary To MA in PDF format, Islamic information and Knowledge in Urdu, for Islamiat subject this collection help Islamic studies form primary to MA students and teachers. very short question and answer easily remember and easily download pdf file of this Islamic Urdu literature. total pages are and pdf file size is 6. Re: 11 questions about islam which no muslim can ever answer 1. Fail the OP thinks Islam is a Pacifistic Religion, it is Not, Apostasy is Treason against Allah ta'ala, and .

questions that islam cant answer pdf download

Questions that islam cant answer pdf download

Reader comment on item: [Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity? I'm a muslim who was born and raised in a Muslim Family. For over six years I have been hugely involved in comparative religion. I need some sincere answers to the following questions, since I feel in Islam there are some things that don't entirely seem rational.

I have also been meeting with lots of apostates of Islam whose works I have been reading and can't seem to cogently refute. I've attached them at the end of question 8. Please provide authentic Hadith.

If this is true then what is the purpose of Jesus coming down with Imam Mehdi to begin with? Also they already believed in one God. Hence before Jesus arrived, the Jews already believed in one God.

The God of Abraham. What was so different that Jesus said because of which he was sentenced to crucifixion? If this is so, then why were all the Prophets after Abraham until Jesus descendants of Isaac? Questions that islam cant answer pdf download a result of my intensive research, I found some attributes of Christ that even Christians did not deal with in their books.

For example:. These are but some of the verses that restrict the ability to create to God only. When God wanted to distinguish Himself from other gods, He highlighted this attribute of His that surpassed all other gods. Meanwhile, the Qur'an clearly admits that Christ created things:. When I read these verses, I thought in my heart: it was God who gave Christ this ability; it was not part of His essence even though, Christ was the only One on whom God bestowed one of His divine attributes.

Why Christ and not Mohammed? God said to Mohammed, questions that islam cant answer pdf download. God did not give Mohammed, the best of His people and the Seal of the Prophets, the ability to make the deaf hear. He challenged people to create a fly ,but gave Christ the ability to create birds. Birds are small creatures, but it is not a matter of size, questions that islam cant answer pdf download, but of questions that islam cant answer pdf download. He who creates a small creature can create a big one.

This cannot be of man, but of God. In the first verse, the Qur'an emphasizes beyond any doubt that knowing what is hidden belongs only to God and nobody else. The second verse underlines the fact that only God knows the unseen and the future. Meanwhile, the Qur'an teaches about Mohammed that he used to rebuke anyone who attributed to him the ability to know what was hidden. One time Moaz said to Mohammed, "… if Allah wills and you will", and Mohammed interrupted him saying, "How could you make me equivalent to Allah?

No one in heaven or on earth knows what is hidden but Allah. As for Christ, we find all limitations removed. He knows and does what every other person cannot. The Qur'an says. It is very unusual that in these verses Christ speaks in the first person; it must be God himself speaking.

On the other hand, Mohammed was always told what to 'say'. Christ was unique because He spoke of himself, questions that islam cant answer pdf download means that His abilities were His and not acquired. It was a proof beyond any doubt that Christ possessed supernatural powers questions that islam cant answer pdf download know what was hidden.

It is a long story; those interested may refer to the book by Ibn Kathir. Mohammed said in an authentic Hadith, "Oh, Allah, there is no healing but yours. God is the only One who holds life and death in His hand; no one else can give life or death.

In his book Beginning and End, Ibn Kathir tells a verified story that proves Christ had the authority to give death as well as life. It is told that Christ saw a woman crying over her daughter, who had died long ago. He asked her, "What makes you cry, woman? On the third time, the little girl came out and talked with her mother.

Then the girl asked Christ to let her return. He told her, questions that islam cant answer pdf download, "Go back! Beginning and End by Ibn Kathir, part 2, page It is clearly stated that God is the only one who can give sustenance. God rebuked anyone who claimed the ability to give sustenance to people. As for Christ, Ibn Kathir mentioned that He had a special ability to give sustenance to whomever He wished. The best example was feeding the five thousand people with little bread and a couple of fish.

As for Christ, it goes without saying that He is matchless. He was born from a virgin without a man. He was the only One over whom Satan did not have any authority. He was the only One who had divine characteristics. Also out of all the people who have had a miraculous entry into this world, he was the only one to have a miraculous exit. This is a unique attribute of God, being able to call something into existence. Kortobi and El-Hadathi said that this verse also applied to Christ, whose throne was made by God on the water in order to test people's faith.

Christ walked on the Sea of Tiberias towards His disciples in order to test their faith. He later said to them, "You of little faith. El-Bokhary explained that he heard from Ibn Abbas, who had heard the Prophet Mohammed saying about Christ, "The Last Day will not come until the son of Mary comes back as a fair Judge to administer justice and wipe out injustice. This is another attribute of God that Christ manifested.

Ibn Kathir and Kortobi told a story that Christ was one day on a mountain and the Romans wanted to arrest Him. He went right through them and they could not see Him, but He saw them all. Sects and Denominations by Sheheristani, page He was compassionate.

He raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead and healed many sick people. He created eyes to the born blind by putting mud on the man's eyes because that's how God created in the beginning. The New Testament is full of parables that no other prophet told. Behold, there came messengers to it. When We first sent to them two messengers, they rejected them, questions that islam cant answer pdf download, but We strengthened them with a third" Surah Ibn Kathir and all interpreters agreed that the mentioned city was Antioch, and the men were messengers of Christ.

They had authority from Christ. What other Man has such authority? That is a saying from their mouth; in this they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say… they take their priests and anchorites to be their lords beside Allah, and Christ the son of Mary" Surah Ibn Kotaiba sees this as a problematic verse, because it puts worshipping God and Christ as a commandment.

So, Ibn Kotaiba thought in order to avoid this problem ,the phrase 'Christ the son of Mary' should be syntactically interpreted as a 'second object' to the verb 'take' and not an 'annexment' to the word 'Allah'. This way the verse would not support the Christian view of Christ's deity. He also interpreted the following verse as referring to Christ too. However no where does it state that Jesus ever had to ask for forgiveness of his faults.

I was trying to refute the idea of 'Sacrificial Death' when I came across the following verse in the Qur'an. Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf: So turn in repentance to your Maker, and slay yourselves questions that islam cant answer pdf download wrong-doers ; that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker. I read Ibn Kathir's interpretation of this verse. He said that the Israelites wanted to repent of their sin of worshipping the calf, but God did not accept their repentance.

When Moses mediated, God told him to tell the Israelites that the only way to get forgiveness was that each man should kill everybody he met, questions that islam cant answer pdf download. It is said that they put on blindfolds so they would not have mercy on their families but would have the courage to obey God's order.

Ibn Kathir said that at least seventy thousands were killed that day, and blood ran like a stream. When God saw it was enough, He told Moses to tell the Israelites to stop. God accepted their repentance through the blood of those who died. If someone did not worship the calf and died as atonement for those who did, why would we reject the idea that the sinless Christ died for sinners, and that He was still alive?

It is true Also it was made to appear to them. How do we know that he didn't die and hence wasn't crucifed? That's because he appeared again on Sunday Morning!! Allah said: "O Jesus! O ye who believe! Noted Muslim commentator Ibn Kathir's statements are most interesting. Commenting on S.

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Alhamdulillah! A Christian lady accepts Islam after her questions are convincingly answered ...

, time: 18:26

Questions that islam cant answer pdf download

questions that islam cant answer pdf download

Islam Question & Answer is a site that aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyone's question about Islam. Re: 11 questions about islam which no muslim can ever answer 1. Fail the OP thinks Islam is a Pacifistic Religion, it is Not, Apostasy is Treason against Allah ta'ala, and . Apr 19,  · E-book download Questions that Islam can t answer - Volume one FUll 1. E-book download Questions that Islam can t answer - Volume one FUll 2. Book details Author: J.K Sheindlin Pages: pages Publisher: J.K Sheindlin Publishing Language: English ISBN ISBN 3.

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